Saturday, 10 March 2012


My latest Lust Have


End of a Long Day
Kingston Brew Pub
And after showing you these results now can you see why.
Baby I'm hunting you down…

<Click on the images for more awesome examples
from these talented photographers or dive into the pool.>


Anna said...

They are absolutely perfect! No wonder why you are hunting that camera, at all!

Katerina said...

Isn't it divine?!

Anna said...

Thank you for the "cheer up" comment today :)Any luck in finding the Olympus Trip?

Brian said...

Trips are great, but remember the Trip can only do so much of the work. Thought around your composition is key to make the photos great. When you get one, load it with some nice film and take your time.

Also thanks, for including one of my photos in your lovely Trip post. It's the one of the old Porsche in the old town of Bisbee.

Katerina said...

Oh that one is my favourite.
Thanks for letting me share it :)

amberlee said...

Oh she is lovely


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