Saturday 25 June 2011


Today I am grateful for so very much but I'll start with a smallish list. (as small a list as my rambling will allow lol)

  • I am grateful for the world wide web that makes sharing and caring so much easier and can help us all stay connected as well as inspire and entertain us on a daily basis.
  • I am grateful for my PCOS as it's forcing me to take my health seriously and make much needed changes for my future happiness.
  • I am grateful for my dear hubby who loves me endlessly even through my many moods. He also manages to whip out his inner chef most nights to thrill me with his surprising culinary skills. I could go on raving about him for days... 
  • I am grateful for the love and support of true friends. 
  • I am grateful for the Universe/ The Holy Spirit or whatever you want to call it, and how it manages to take matters into its own hands and create change for the better. Even if I can never see it that way at the time.
  • I am grateful that certain people are out of my life and that I got to say my piece so that I can now move on with some closure and peace of mind.
  • I am grateful for my blog that allows me to express myself and has begun to unfurl the first tiny leaves of my dormant creativity.

The list could go on and on...
But I'll stop there and encourage you to take some private time to notice of all the little things that make our lives so special. It's too easy to get bogged down with the negative sometimes that we forget how lucky we still are.

Hope you have a great weekend, Get inspired and get living!

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