Monday, 31 October 2011

Monster Mash

Today I'm meshing Thea's Sunday Sesh and Anna's Much Love Monday with the spirit of Halloween.

Lets start with my (belated) Sunday Session.
No Halloween line up is complete without Thriller,
but this year my theme would have been the moon:

I was going for the paranormal activity look here…
nailed or failed?

It's pretty obvious what I'm loving today but here they are:
❥ Halloween! I'm such a sucker for dress ups and it's the only time I can get away with exploring my inner Goth.
❥ Sales at Spotlight & Lombards - Time to stock up on creepy paraphernalia for next year. (See that, planning ahead)
❥ The long weekend and all the socialising this entails.
❥ Drinks tonight at LuWOW to celebrate Miss Amberlee's end of studies.
❥ And finally, The knowledge that I still have 2 more days of freedom ahead of me. Woop Woop!

Hope you all have a
Spooktacular Halloween

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Just A Minute… in October

❧ Reading… Sweet Poison, Why Sugar Makes Us Fat by David Gillespie.
"There may be a drier and more incomprehensible area of science than biochemistry, but so far I haven't come across it" His words, not mine but I find myself agreeing wholeheartedly. Most of the time I feel like I'm studying unsuccessfully to be an endocrinologist (despite it being written in layman's terms) although now and then I do have the respective Ah-Ha! moments so at least the overall message is coming through loud and clear, even to my dull little brain cells.
I'm trying really hard to absorb the technical info fully but I've always been hopelessly dense when it comes to retaining anything maths or science related.
Ambs, my hats off to you mate! Compared to me, those girls in the back row look like experts…

❧ Making… Sugar Free Meals.
It's basically like being diabetic only stricter.
Since I already have a predisposition to developing the condition thanks to my family history and my PCOS (yet another happy side effect), I figured reading the book above was timely.
You'd be amazed at how much of the sweet stuff is sneakily hiding behind fat free labels and synthetic replicas.

❧ Watching… my tan slowly fade and peel away.
Haven't had much time for TV of late but I do miss LA & NY Ink. Kat Von D is dopier than she looks which was a surprise.
It was nice having cable up in Cairns.

❧ Craving… a tattoo or a new piercing.
Maybe I just got carried away with all the "Ink shows but I definitely want to get my first one very soon.

❧ Listening to... my Beach Side Playlist and trying to extend the holiday feeling for as long as I can.

❧ Planning… Next years Halloween Party.
Sadly I missed the boat this year by being too disorganised but as soon as this years event is over I'm set to clean up at the clearance sales.
No more excuses - I will have my time in the sun or in this case moonlight.

❧ Loving… The prospect of a long weekend.
The Melbourne Cup is set to strike this Tuesday so after my hectic lead up (waxing, spray tans and manicures up to the eyeballs) it'll be nice to have a few days of nothingness lined up.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

See Ya Later Aligator

Not even in a while crocodile!

What a shit week - Can't wait to see the back of ya!

Let Me Count The Ways

I love photo editing far too much for my own good...
Sharing my madness with WWW.

Happy Hump Day peepsicles xx

Monday, 24 October 2011

The 100 Blowout

There was a time when my workout looked much like this 

Lately it's been a lot more like this:

THe 100 BLoWouT:
100 THouGHTS aBouT FooD
80 TRiPS DoWN GuiLT LaNe
70 PRoMiSeS To STaRT a DieT ToMoRRoW
60 THouGHTS aBouT FooD
30 TRiPS DoWN GuiLT LaNe
20 PRoMiSeS To WoRK ouT ToMoRRoW
10 MiNuTeS oF aCTuaL eXeRCiSe

Well after a few months of that kind of behaviour here I am 5kgs heavier and missing periods unexplainably. Enough's Enough - With TWO capital E's!

Yes, it feels like I'm walking through setting concrete after attempting my old workout and yes, I'm having cravings the like of which you've never seen while trying to cut sugar but I know these side effects wont last, they're just signs that I'm back on the road to good health again and THaT feels great!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

High & Dry

In keeping with my current holiday theme, todays tune is one I was reminded of while away.

It happened to come on the radio while cruising along the Captain Cook Highway at sunset and suddenly I was transported to another time along a different highway, under a different sunset but when it also seemed to fit the moment perfectly.
Different time, different place but while going through a similar transitional phase of my life.

I don't think I've heard this played on commercial radio for over 10 years and I'd forgotten how much I used to (and apparently still do) love Radiohead.

Do you ever find yourself thinking about an issue or a certain someone and then suddenly the perfect song just happens to pop up out of nowhere over the radio?

Gotta love serendipity xx

Playing along with Thea over at Do I Really Wanna Blog?  

Friday, 21 October 2011

Clownish Casualties

Our private pool lit up at night
so with the water still warm from the afternoon sun
along with the balmy conditions at a lovely constant of 30℃,
even at 10pm, every evening was perfect for a bit of night swimming.

Hubby decided to show off a few handstands for you guys while I snapped away.
In his own words: "I'll give you something to blog about"
Too bad he accidentally face planted the pool instead.

Give me something to blog about will you?
Well you sure did baby,
you sure did.

Thursday, 20 October 2011


We interrupt our regular holiday blogging to announce this important announcement:
I'm late!!!

Two days late to be exact...
Yet all other signs of success point to no…. so… hmmm? Tricky.

A bit too much of the good life this month perhaps?
Seems not giving a rats about "trying" anymore doesn't exactly agree with my PCOS.

It has until Monday to come to the party before I do another test but I'm almost 99% sure it's just my ovaries playing funny buggers with me again.
After all I have none of the telltale signs I had last month and I've been very very naughty on the health front lately which I know always wreaks havoc on my cycle.

Then again I've been completely regular for the past 6 months so you just never know, but either way that's a mighty good run for me in my history of runs.

C'mon body, would you meet me half way here please?
I promise to be a good girl and start treating you like a temple again if you promise to deliver the goods soon.

Okay, it's off my chest.
Now back to our regular blogging, sorry for the interruption.

❤ K

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Wordless Wednesday

What more can be said of this beautiful place?
Ha! It's me we're talking about, so plenty, but not on WW.
(p.s. playing along with Sarah & Trish today)


Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Cascade Capers

Trinity Beach:

From the first day of our holiday we decided to pack as much into our short trip as possible, starting with a closer look at our surrounds.

With that out of the way we were off to The Crystal Cascades:

Saw so many of these cute rentals all around Cairns.
While many of the locals were swimming around down there
we, on the other hand, decided not to.
Yea, the snake was a bit intimidating too.

Monday, 17 October 2011


Once we got to Cairns Airport there was a bit of a kerfuffle with the car hire company.
It seems that while our travel agent managed to take our money for the car she didn't actually arrange for it to be waiting for us.

Being a Sunday we couldn't even get hold of her but happily it all worked out in our favour.
Rather than getting your standard mode of hire ie: Hyundai Getz - we got upgraded to a brand new Holden Cruz in shiny blue (my favourite colour) with all it's mod cons plus bells & whistles.
It even had a sunroof!

Cue cruses down the highway with my hair whipping in the wind...

So after a quick swim and some breakfast along the esplanade (the public pool in Cairns is soo cool… it has white sand and overlooks the beach. Best of all it's free!) we zipped off to check in and check out our resort.

 The view from our deck where you can dive straight into the pool.
I settled for dipping myself in slowly for some floating around
before heading off for some cocktails and a nibble.

Who would've thought lazing beachside and by the pool
would turn out to be such thirsty work...


Above The Clouds

As much as I enjoyed being away and disconnected from the hassles of day to day life here at home, I really really missed the Blogworld.
(Is that a bit sad of me?)

When we checked in at the resort I immediately noticed the computer in the lobby with free internet connection and cursed myself for not bringing my cameras USB cord….
Anyway because of that prepare to be saturated with day by day run downs of our little holiday, this week.
At least this way I'll be reliving it somewhat and feel a little less like I'm really back :)

Sunday, 16 October 2011

I'm Baaaack….

Three tracks off my beachside playlist:


Sadly all good things must come to an end and my holiday to Cairns is over just like that. Boo Hoo :(

Let me tell you it was every bit as beautiful as I was expecting and more!
The Queenslanders I met were some of the nicest, down to earth people I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with.
To those of you that live there all year round, I'm even more jealous than ever now :)

The seafood, those beaches, that forest, I could rant on and on and on…. and I will (prepare to see lots of happy snaps in the coming days. I took no less than 400 shots! My oh My!)

We had such a blast that we never wanted to leave and could easily have stayed up there, had the money not run dry… ah well you only live once.

But I'm having major withdraws already so tonight my Sunday Sesh is dedicated to the tropics and all the blissful chilled out vibes that surrounded us.
(I'm even making a spiced rubbed chicken dish with mango relish for dinner. My Melbourne mangos are bit sad looking by comparison, nothing beats QLD mangos fresh from the orchids. Mmmm… take me back!!!)
Well I'm off now to dream a little while more…
Toodle do!


Saturday, 8 October 2011


The lovely Georgi from a pastiche has been organised enough to arrange a Photober theme this month (basically a photo for every day of October).
I've noticed a few people participating in Frocktober which I couldn't have possibly done without shaming myself and my dress sense so Photober it is. (I don't think I even own enough dresses to get me through a whole month anyway.)

Mind you I've already managed to miss a few days (and we're only 8 days in!) plus I'll be due to miss a few more while I'm away…. though I considered taking my laptop along, I think the husband would divorce me if I did. Besides not even my phone is coming along - I plan on enjoying complete disconnection from the world, 5 days of total peace and serenity…. Aaaaaah or should I say; Oooommmm :)

Anyway my point is I'm apologising in advance for being a bit of a lousy participant/blogger but I'm sure when I get back I'll have plenty of shots to share with you all.

So far the pics above have been my only entrants…

But hop on over to Georgi's page to see all the other wonderful images people are sharing.
Maybe I'll even see you there? It's never too late to join xx

Friday, 7 October 2011

Viva La Vivitar!

Look what I got in the mail today!

Sorry but I couldn't wait till the 15th of October on the fat chance I might actually win something for a change before I invested in a film camera.
Besides that would be after my holiday and using a camera like this in sunny Queensland seemed like too good an opportunity to pass up.

I'm not expecting too much from myself since even my digital takes are often flukes helped along with heavy editing but hopefully I don't suck too badly at my first attempts.

Wish me and my little White Angel luck on our courtship jubilee  ^_^  yipee!

(thanks for filling me in Ambs on this beauty, I haven't forgotten about you...)


Thursday, 6 October 2011

Pregnant Pause

I can remember the last few months a little too vividly.
All the hoping and praying, the wishing and waiting.
It was such an intense array of emotions that had me swinging between some of the darkest moments I've ever experienced.
Pessimistic self talk partnered with joyful signs of positivity, I couldn't get a grip on myself and I think my poor partner was very near to the end of his tether.

After last month I was so sure my body was a liar. Fooling me with all the telltale signs of pregnancy only to deliver my period in the end. (I've never been so excited to be nauseous, lethargic and constipated in my life!)

Throughout those last two weeks I "just knew" something was different this time but my mind was torn between hopeful thoughts in order to be positive or negative self talk in order not to work myself up. (I honestly don't know which mode of thinking was more painful)
To say I was disappointed when my period came a week after it was supposed to is an understatement - I truly am my own worst enemy.

Having come through it to the other side I've vowed not to let myself slip into such a state ever again.
No result is worth that kind of torture.

So I swore to be indifferent for the rest of this year. To wait it out until January before becoming eligible for IVF and reassessing things from there.

Well it turns out my body's not a liar, just a prankster.
According to both my Gyno and naturopath yesterday, the reason I "felt pregnant" was because I likely was, (as far as my charts show at least. I was too scared to take a test and know the truth. See? Messed up...)
My hormone levels were perfect, my temperature charts classic yet for some unknown reason it just didn't stick, again...

I don't quite know how to feel about this…

I'm sad I guess that I can come so close without it ever eventuating but I think the important thing to get out of this is that something is happening which is more than absolutely nothing.

Starting with this holiday it's time to be kind to myself and my body again. Back to basics.
Sensible eating and more movement.
My natropath has bumped up the magic mix and now it's time to do my part.

Despite the somewhat sad tone to this post, I do have a good feeling about the future.
I'm still sticking to my original mode of thinking ala Fail, (it is the silly season after all) but I won't put my life or happiness on hold for an outcome that can't be rushed.

For now my mantra is: come what may, c'est la vie and leave the self loathing for the bitter kids to play with.


Wednesday, 5 October 2011


Dear Wordless Wednesday,
I know I never play properly but
please grant me these few words today:
Poladroid is Awesome!!!

(I'm a tad bit obsessed with this app at the moment… can you tell?
For more proof Click here)

Happy Day to You xx

Monday, 3 October 2011


Let it be known I've never won a competition in my life and I am less than apt at operating an analogue camera (isn't that what you call the opposite of digital? See, I don't even know what to call them let alone how to use one.)
But despite all that I'm still attempting to enter a competition to win this beautiful baby:

As found on:
Click here To Enter
But don't really cos there are already something like a gajillion
other entrants and my chances at winning are slim enough as it is.

Naaaaw, alright then… click if you must :)

Isn't she pretty?
I think my socks would actually be knocked off if I won.
Fingers & Toes are crossed xx

Deductions Under Disco Lights

The theme of the night
had been dedicated to Miss Jessica's birthday!

I come to you today as a bear with a sore head.

This weekend was a bit of a mixed bag, what with an AFL grand final BBQ (good ol' Geelong showed 'em how it's done) and my lovely friends exquisite dinner at Maha's followed by VIP access to her Bling party I could barely keep up.

It was a fair effort though mind you after such a busy week of work I was exhausted come Saturday although I managed to soldier on till 5am (thanks to daylight savings), it also drove home some harsh truths on how much I can stand these days...

My weekend deductions:
✴Restraint must be exercised when ordering from the bar at exclusive restaurants. (The 2 and a half thousand dollar tab at the end of the night was a bit of a surprise to us all.)
✴When you've spent said amount on food and drinks it's probably time to call it a night before wiping out the rest of your bank account.
✴Secondly if after consuming this amount of food and alcohol you aren't completely inebriated you should probably give up and go home.
✴NightClubs are fuelled by drugs these days not alcohol - do not step foot in one unless heavily under an illicit influence.
(I tried to drink myself stupid in there but all I got was this lousy hangover.)
✴When embarking on a night out don't forget your digital camera.
(I wish I could have recorded the short and stumpy, overweight asian transvestite dressed like an orange latex go-go girl giving it her hardcore all in the caged podium for you. Or the guidos in their tight pants giving themselves frontal wedgies while convulsing on the dancefloor with techno renditions of Saturday Night Fever moves.
It was very entertaining but sadly hubby and his iphone didn't come along for this portion of the festivities.)
✴I think my clubbing days are over. The old me is dead.


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